CPD Verifiable: Financial Mail Collective Insight Round Table Discussion I: Addressing the “S” in ESG

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  • 01 hr 36 mins 08 secs
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  • 1 point
CFA Society South Africa in collaboration with Absip and FPI - Financial Mail Collective Insight Round Table Virtual discussion with contributing authors Yumnaa Firfirey, Founder and Managing Director at Towards Uhuru Alexandra Russell, Chief Risk Officer at Sasol, Manka Sebastian, CFA, Portfolio Manager at Sanlam Properties Michael Rea, Managing Partner at Integrated Reporting & Assurance Services (IRAS), Kasief Isaacs, Head of Private Markets at Mergence Investment Managers Share insights on their articles moderated by convening editor Langa Madonko, Co-Founder & Investment Principal: Capital Raising and Investor Relations at SUMMIT Africa.


CFA Society South Africa
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