CFA Society South Africa and Absip feature: Dynamic Asset Allocation and Property Asset Class

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  • 01 hr 32 mins 19 secs
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  • 1.5 points
CFA Society South Africa in collaboration with ABSIP hosted a session with two leading investments professionals who shared their expertise on dynamic asset allocation (DAA) strategy and the fundamental principles of the property asset class. Mandisa Zavala, Head of Asset Allocation at Alex Forbes discussed the pillars of the DAA investment process as well as the local and global DAA indicators. Followed by Naeem Tilly, CFA, Head of Research at Sesfikile Capital who discussed the fundamentals and opportunities of investing in property in times of high interest rates & inflation and an increased likelihood of a recession from a local and global perspective, moderated by Caroline Cremen, CFA, CFA Society South Africa Board Member & Company Secretariat.


CFA Society South Africa
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