CPD Verifiable: CFA Society South Africa and ASSA (Actuarial Society of South Africa) feature: Multi- Asset Investment Strategy

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  • 01 hr 32 mins 45 secs
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  • 1 point
CFA Society South Africa in collaboration with ASSA focus on Multi- Asset Investment Strategy. Farzana Bayat, CFA, Portfolio Manager at Foord Asset Management explores the risk & return profile, cash flow characteristics as well as the diversification benefits of inflation linked & convertible bonds and how they are used in fixed income or multi-asset funds. She is joined by Kaitlin Byrne, CFA, Portfolio Manager at MandG Investments who discusses the fundamental analysis approach, governance factors as well as the concept of sustainable dividends as part of valuing companies. Moderated by Lungile Luvuno, CFA, Former CFA Society South Africa Board Member and Assistant Portfolio Manager at Eskom Pension and Provident Fund.


CFA Society South Africa
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