Understanding the E in ESG investing | ESG Conference | June 2021

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  • 41 mins 42 secs
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  • 0.5 points

Globally, companies and investors are increasingly concerned about business risks driven by environmental factors. All of this is highlighted by new regulations and reporting requirements which force organisations to account for their environmental impact. Together with this – there have been shifts by the public about the impact and issues of sustainability. The result is that companies that keeps on acting recklessly when it comes to environmental issues, risk losing future investment. With this as background, our panellists on the E of ESG investing, will discuss in detail:

  • How to evaluate the environmental footprints of companies
  • Standards for environmental reporting
  • Discussing the impact of climate risk on investment portfolios, amongst a lot more.

On the panel:

  • Francis Marais, Head of Glacier Research
  • Deirdre Cooper, Co-Head of Thematic Equity and co-Portfolio Manager of the Ninety One Global Environment Strategy, Ninety One
  • Jaspreet Duhra, Managing Director & Head of EMEA ESG Indices, S&P Dow Jones Indices
  • Tom Walker, Co-Head of Global Real Estate Securities, Schroders
  • Mark Colegate, Editorial Director & Strategist, Asset TV


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