Regulation 28 update and infrastructure investing

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  • 01 hr 44 mins 59 secs
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  • 1.5 points

Regulation 28 prescribes the types of investments retirement funds can make and the how much they can invest in each of these investments.The IRFA Investment Practice Committee members will set the scene. We will share a high level summary of the current Regulation 28 and then turn to the proposed changes to Regulation 28. The proposed changes focus on defining what infrastructure investments are, bans retirement funds from investing in crypto assets and increases the limit for investments in alternative assets. Linked to this is the increase in how much retirement funds can invest outside South Africa. We will also provide more information on this.

We invited Vuyo Ntoi Co-Managing Director of AIIM (African Infrastructure Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd) to share his insights into what infrastructure investments are and how retirement funds can invest in infrastructure. The focus will be on using alternative investments vehicles when making infrastructure investments. Vuyo has been involved in private infrastructure investing in Africa since 2003.


Institute of Retirement Funds Africa
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