Potential Implications of Digital Currencies

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  • 02 mins 21 secs
Our Chief Market Strategist Stephen Dover explores blockchain and digital assets through an equity-investor lens, discussing the growing implications and why investors and asset managers shouldn’t ignore this space.


Franklin Templeton

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I think what we see going forward are many countries with china leading Australian new Zealand are also following the U. S. I think we'll follow behind moving towards a digital currency. And again that is a way for countries to go directly to its populace and not using that intimate area of banks. So it is something that's very disruptive potentially to the banking system. So what we see coming out of that is a lot of new regulation which we welcome. The governments have to set up the playing field or how we're going to deal with currencies. Governments are not going to allow digital currencies to happen without taxation. We've already seen some of that in many countries. So taxation will be an important part of where we move forward with both central bank currencies as well as any other currencies. Um We've seen recently some blackmail if you will of companies and payments being made in literally Bitcoin or other currencies. I think crime is actually something that is harmful to the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies and governments will step in. Um And it will be now the reason why why we would have central bank currencies as opposed to some independent currencies. So there's great opportunity with the central bank currencies and it will again break down some of the intermediaries and as asset managers, we have to be aware of that and see where there are opportunities Around that. Um I think this could happen fairly quickly. I think just like the Internet maybe when we looked at the Internet in 2000 there were a lot of promises. There was a lot of hype, the market got overextended um and then corrected. Uh something like that can very much happen in this space. But ultimately we are living very much in an Internet world now and I think we'll be living very much in a very different currency system within the next 5, 10 or 20 years

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