CoreShares All Asia AMETF (APACXJ)

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  • 01 mins 43 secs
We're excited to launch the CoreShares All Asia AMETF (APACXJ), which aims to provide investors with well-diversified systematic exposure to key geographic regions in Asia Pacific.



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My name is Chris Rule and I head up Client Solutions at 10 X Investments 10. X Investments is a client centric independent asset management business that provides investment solutions across unit trusts, exchange traded funds and segregated mandates. We at 10 X are very excited to bring to market the 10 X All Asia AM ETF, which

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provides clients with diversified and efficient exposure to the high growth region of Asia and Pacific. The Asia Pacific region is expected to contribute 74% of global GDP growth in the year of 2023 yet represents only 10% of the typical global equity exposure. We believe that investors should be seriously considering

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an allocation to the Asia Pacific region to ensure that they have sufficient exposure to that growth opportunity. ETF exposure, such as the 10 X or Asia AM ETF, provide easy to access investor exposure to areas that are typically very difficult to access, such as those in the Asia and Pacific region.

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So we believe that an ETF of this nature democratises the access to this kind of region for investors, from the man on the street through to the institutional investors who can access an ETF of this nature. Tenex has been grateful to work with the JC in pioneering the AM ETF landscape to ensure that clients get better investment solutions and better outcomes.

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