CFA Society South Africa 2023 Annual Investment Conference: Panel Discussion on AI and the future of Investment Management

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  • 01 hr 01 mins 28 secs
Hype around Artificial Intelligence exploded late last year with the release of large language models like Open Ai's ChatGPT. This hype has translated into equity market reality in 2023, with AI themed companies strongly outperforming the market as whole. The question everyone is asking is exactly how much substance lies behind the narrative? Our panel of AI and technology experts deal directly with this question and delve deeper into the implications of this new technology. Presented by: DR Jacques Ludik, Founder & CEO Cortex Logic; Founder & President at Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA); Zubair Patel, Co-Head of Data science & Quantitative analytics at Prescient Investment Management; Kamohelo Motaung, Head of Data Governance at Experian and moderator Kaluba Chikonde, Data Engineering Lead at


CFA Society South Africa
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