Boutiques Connect | Currency Partners

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  • 07 mins 50 secs
In this Boutiques Connect update our host Chloe Mulder is joined by Anabella Farren, FX Business Consultant at Currency Partners, to discuss different types of Foreign Loans.


Boutiques Connect

Speaker 0:
joining me now in this boutiques connect Annabella Faron FX, business consultant at Currency Partners. Welcome back, Annabella.

Speaker 1:
Thank you. It's great to be here. So, Annabella,

Speaker 0:
perhaps we can start off with what defines a foreign loan in terms of exchange control.

Speaker 1:
So a foreign loan in in the South African context is when a South African company borrows funds from a non-resident source that could be a non-resident entity or non-resident individual.

Speaker 1:
But, yeah, it's when a South African company would get a loan from a non-resident, um, business.

Speaker 0:
So who can borrow money from abroad? And are there different types of of of foreign loans?

Speaker 1:
So there's no restrictions on who can get a foreign loan so any South African entity can can approach the offshore market for a foreign loan. Um, there's various types of classifications for that loan, and it's quite important to classify it correctly. So as an example, it can be classified as a third party, uh, foreign loan. Or it can be classified as a non-resident shareholders loan.

Speaker 1:
And then there's trade finance loans as well where that can also be a shareholders trade finance loan or a third party trade finance loan. So what are the South African

Speaker 0:
Reserve Bank requirements, then? For an entity that receives a loan from

Speaker 1:
abroad? So it's very important that companies that are looking for offshore funding

Speaker 1:
it's very important that they are aware that there are reserve bank regulations around it. And the South African Reserve Bank states that a company introducing offshore funds as loans needs prior approval before those before those funds are introduced into South Africa.

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