Batseta Winter Conference | Retirement Fund Solutions

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  • 20 mins 29 secs
Thomas Mketelwa, KZN Municipal Pension Fund discusses retirement fund solutions and innovative ways to meet members' needs.



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if you don't have a proper membership proper,

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you going on the board that sit and offer benefits

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that I mean

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what's in

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that is actually supposed to be serving. Therefore, you must understand their age. You must understand their level of certification or certification because how you need to communicate to them. You may use standardised approach because you believe you are just taking the box in terms of communicating with your members and informing them

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or a tool

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to to do this, that we have used to the engineers that are working. You know, III I I'm serving in the national Centre. There's all the engineers that they know about. There's also like

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now, how do you then ensure that you, the people that are doing in this analysis, for you as a father or you as a fan it is. It takes into account a level of association level of understanding, and it is not necessarily a standardised to

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the Data Analytics organisation. Must be very useful because we recently took the of our one of our service providers so talking about 24,000 members, how many? 75% net ratio

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and 50 plus

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and I got 50% that

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the board doesn't do anything

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when we lose the president. And that is our target for the government for the next six months that each of the individual member must understand what

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will suit them in order to bring them. It's a lot of work.

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It is not a team of it is not an ofhe approach.

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Therefore No, no, not just going to the and say this project has worked for members in the past 20 years. That was gonna work. No, it has.

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That solution must be determined.

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It's like a past two.

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But on the post two years, if you vote, 20% of your members meet you

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because you gave for that to the

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The product is not a simplification.

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One of the subjects I allow in this industrial transformation.

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And I've always know to the people in transformation is about different assets and da da da da da blah. But for me, transformation is also designed to be used in the industry,

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and the solutions must be simplified. And all the social service providers that are it must be done

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in a simple way. It must be suited with the advice that you give

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it must be with the advice and service

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this advice as human, you can apply to turn to turn and health and, well,

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it must be really suitable. For instance, in the society, we have got members that were what you call member for over 10 years.

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international yes, and this type of members. Their needs cannot be the same as me, who have spent 29 years in Cuba before I resigned.

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our needs are going to be different. You have to spend more time making sure that you are treating each and every member's need different.

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Obviously, there is models out there in the market. They need to be improved. Quality advice. It was proper to data analysis.

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If your analysis

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there's been a suitcase approach, one size fits all approach. Obviously, ladies and gentlemen,

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you're going to get

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and advice that this will grow up.

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And could you be a misfit, for that matter?

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We'll talk about information. Small tools must be taken away in our days.

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The product must not be understood by the sweer.

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Because of this, most of us

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take the product that you don't understand it all you can understand the search provider.

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If your investor is not sure what you have sold them,

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you must know we mentalities. You have

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the investor when it says to you, Do you make this product is gonna do this, This this and you forget that product.

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The the investor is not. You are not able to answer that investor or that pension fund member, then

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they don't understand.

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But they expected to be invested in that clear past performance data. It's an indicator

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you use it, but don't say it because,

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er this product has performed. It means it's going to perform the circumstance that effect the economy performance effect.

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These total change of shrimp

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therefore importance may definitely be giving a diverse, uh, performance and outcomes. Therefore, it's important that that the performance that you want

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and must deal with the reality of today don't just take it directly from them, such as Does it meet today's members needs in terms of, uh, of those, um, products

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risk related? A previous, uh, speaker talked about, uh, NG I

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If you have to offer, I does it suit the local members of the bank or it suit certain members of the If you haven't done that cat organisation, you give I to everyone in the farm. Therefore you focus on the risk where they put.

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But I think

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going to be good for the time they've avoided ever risk.

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But I mean outcome going to be the same. Yes,

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maybe older members are doing better, but younger members

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maybe it's not gonna be the same.

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the risk related performance must be used not at the expense of not ensuring that you understand that the risk has to be managed,

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but it differs from each man and from each product.

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Physical elect does not claim the financial systems.

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We don't have this desk

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complex management boxes in our front office. We should have it in the depots.

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We should have it at a short form so that the member has known they allow to be able to do it in their form

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through an app in your website and also physically where they work. They don't have to come to the office to complain,

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and it has either out in the products

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circumstances change of your members. This age related thing sometimes is over plagued

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because if Thomas

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it was suitable for him because of age to be certain products. But Thomas now is

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in an empty nest, but it's still an error. You may find that he needs the different product. That's why that all previous engagement and information and checking if this product is still relevant is not a choice. It's a last.

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Well, I've got no on Friday.

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One of the solution is two part the

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that are going to be Destiny one.

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We're gonna work with it.

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We could have the problems and the plan,

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but it's one of the new system that our administrators, the F-35 uh, board members must be able to ensure that it works for members. It doesn't work for other people, not for service providers, not for the administrators. That group of must work for members. They must make

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administrators reach in

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in or tax will fall. It must be about the member. And if it doesn't matter for the members, we must be engage. But we cannot throw it out without trying it.

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Yes. But even those member those member trust there is an individual. Therefore, they from solutions

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must never forget that

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uh, is an individually from Thomas or Rash.

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We may be working in the same field as the same age

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individuality. Therefore, when sitting there to design a product as a plan or sitting there as a as a product provider,

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what type of food I'm getting, I'm getting

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because you you will take a basket of other health problems

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or short sentence

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or lesser contribution levels. Therefore, all these issues have been taken into account, and I probably exist to current choice. I know the regulator hasn't allowed us to choose as one of the, uh, area that we can invest in,

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but the reality of the matter we should be investigating and you should be saying and work and work to our members. But it is one of the solutions. I believe they're going to be a choice for our members, like we have done with the product what we call

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the many members of I am.

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As a young person, I manage to bring myself in printer, and when I said that, if I know that because the regulator has done deal, but we think it's it's one of the that we may be forced to consider tomorrow as a chance

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Hybrid life will offer the most annuities, and then the products out there in the market have been either or living or whatever, guaranteed. But like the one with both

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what I want to say. But the one is different component and

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and we got at the same time.

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And we we needed for us to know what that direct solution we must explore, see pros and cons of it

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and been able to offer those particular animals and amenities for those members that are, uh, for reasons from any of it.

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With these changes that are going on, if I go to, uh, from a state alone fund to a umbrella fund,

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can I go with the benefit of chosen that I or I have been told? No. Now you are either a type B with time a fund. Therefore, this is what you want to find.

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Those are the issues that I believe it's going to be said in from the members

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property for members. I am putting this solution there because

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19 is it 19 C. Such a NC says we must opt for 2019

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to the members,

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and here

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the workers offer mortgage Bo and the province of our government offers free offers that will buy us.

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Can I tell you what

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where I am and where I come from? My electorate experience our members, not benefit out of those three benefits.

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Why? Because most of our members are getting their attention.

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And the power of those three beautiful property benefits cannot be exploited by our members because the powers that the standards are

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think my municipality? Two years ago, I I did a quick research. How many members in 28,000 members of this municipality are receiving board Board 4000?

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And how many members are staying in the During the flats we picked up? Members stay in the but they've got a subsidy. They've got a pension that they they But they have, because the person who gives that

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is not in our space.

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He's a he's a bad guy. He's got his own place in it,

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and these are some of the issues we take those that friendship for our members to retire.

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Therefore, five must go back and look and say, How do we have our members in important before they retire for a house? Because the investment product,

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it's not something else,

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I will go all. And of course, I have to touch on the issues of

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utilising the

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the communication and the tools. Some are innovative. Some are

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are the ones that were used. They are still different

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social media platforms.

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Funds need to invest more and invest in people that are monitor. And they're utilising it because our members are handling some of them and they're using those platforms and they are there. Therefore, your retirement products must also go with the new solution in communicating them. It doesn't matter that your good products but your members don't know your website must be interactive.

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Of course, that joint that web portal, your members must be able to utilise your website and you can go to your office and get all the solutions there

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there is in.

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Oh, I tell you what you want this a I

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Let's go. People must help us. We have to introduce those things before they overtake us. Fill our funds. We order our members to be able to interact and

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and inform us

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apps some sort of reading what applications

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but that you will find nervous usually the apps that they use the copy that APP.

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The government government every time. Send me, uh send me 10 at a time. Do this, Do this.

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And we need to make sure that the end of the first are utilised. Members are trained

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in the General Council

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for fun. We don't do. The one

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went to

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We were there. Everyone must make an appointment

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and it doesn't matter if you are newly employed, you are trained

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or human.

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So six months before it happened,

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we encourage all of the members to go through the R PC. But our R PC has got an extension on the financial plan

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and financial advice. Not that we are taking the work away from the industry.

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We also can financially advise people that would have saved them the pension We have 14 million all of a sudden we cannot advise them that we must be advised by someone outside. Therefore, we are saying we are bringing in the with an extension of financial aid. That's what reason why Because other members also go outside. They go and buy a living which cost them more than the giving An that has been,

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uh 05 85.

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They they they take on the others, even going by premiers

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because of that particular issue that they get,

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I would say a bit conflicted by the trump outside. Sometimes

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we must encourage to know

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and turn to remember where the items of their life

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projection statements must not just be issued.

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They must make sure that the members understand those projections being made

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and, of course,

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wears and seminars for your members. Don't be so complicated. I know you go to these weapons, get sympathy points and everything your members have also

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to work. And even if they are hosted by

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and that trust in general And that is what I would offer as a retirement solution, which is GCF for us. Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for listening.

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