Understanding the S in ESG investing | ESG Conference | June 2021

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  • 38 mins 31 secs
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  • 0.5 points

It is true that companies exist because they serve needs or desires of society. But these companies also depend on stakeholders which includes consumers, employees, producers, suppliers and more. All of this has implication for revenue generation and for that reason it is of interest to investors who wish to grow and preserve their capital. This is one of the main reasons why investors are demanding that companies develop robust social policies that will protect stakeholder interests more widely. Our panel will discuss all social factors including geopolitical events and its impact, unpack SASB standards, as well as look at how these factors are linked to possible higher returns and decreased volatility in investment portfolios.

On the panel:

  • Ringetani Ndlovu, Impact Credit Portfolio Manager, Ashburton Investments
  • Rirhandzu Sithole, Impact Investment Analyst, Futuregrowth Asset Management
  • Fawaz Fakier, Portfolio Manager, Old Mutual Investment Group
  • Katherine Davidson, Portfolio Manager & Global Sector Specialist, Schroders


Old Mutual Investment Group
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